
The School of International Economics and Trade won the men's and women's double championships in the university's 2023 volleyball competition

Release Time:2023-04-27Visits:49

       On the afternoon of April 26th, the 2023 volleyball final of Anhui University of Finance and Economics was held at the East Campus Gymnasium. The School of International Economics and Trade's men's and women's volleyball team overcame obstacles and won the men's and women's double championships, breaking the school's historical record.

      After about a week of intense competition, the schools men's volleyball team reached the finals with five consecutive wins and the women's volleyball team with excellent records of five wins and one loss. During the final, our volleyball team united and worked hard, ultimately winning the championship with a score of 3-0. The leaders and representatives of teachers and students went to the scene to cheer and send blessings to the team members.

        For a long time, the school has adhered to the educational concept of health first, with the goal of enhancing students' physical fitness and improving their quality of study and life in school. It attaches great importance to and fully utilizes the important role of sports in promoting students' comprehensive development. By solidly promoting sports reform and innovation, organizing a series of sports competitions, and conducting extensive sports activities, the school has focused on strengthening sports work, helping students enjoy fun and enhance their physical fitness through physical exercise, form a sound personality, build up strong will, educate and guide students to develop cultural learning and physical exercise in a coordinated manner.