
Yang Jie

Release Time:2020-10-31Visits:160

Department: Department of International Business

Title: Associate Professor

Major Direction: Transnational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment

Telephone Number: 18895665805

E-mail address: JYang@aufe.edu.cn

Personal Profile:

Yang Jie, Associate Professor and PhD in Economics, Main Research Directions: Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment.

Teaching Courses:

International trade, Practice of International Trade, International Economics, etc.

Achievements in Scientific Research:

Papers published in academic journals, such as the Journal of International Trade, International Trade, World Economy Studies, International Economics and Trade Research, etc. Research Grants including: the General Project of Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education, 13th Five-Year Planning research project of Ministry of Commerce, Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Anhui.